Condolences bouquet


  • Champagne Moet

    Teddy Bear

    Ferrero Rocher 200gr

    Premium Greeting Card

    Standard Greeting card included for free. You can choose a more special greeting card below.

Condolence flowers are usually floral arrangements that are prepared by florists and delivered to the home of the grieving family. Sending funeral flowers is a beautiful way to show how much you care during this difficult time. Amazing condolences bouquet by Selia flowers Glyfada

Insert your postal code in order to calculate the shipping cost

Delivery charge is free for orders over €100.

For the same-day Attica delivery service, please place your order before 1.00pm, Monday – Friday. For same-day Attica delivery service on Saturdays, place before 10.00am.

Global Delivery – On request.

Each bouquet will arrive with flower care instructions. Please note, certain fragile products are available for a Attica delivery only.

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